Danae plays: Cliff Racer Companion [MW mods ep. 02]

2017-06-01 0

Name: Cliff Racer Companion
Author: Natakiro
Nexus link: http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/44404/
Because Cliff Racers are cute. I was sad to find a lack of a Cliff Racer as a companion, so I did this as my first-ever mod. I was just making this for myself, but thought others might enjoy it, as well. ^^
This mod adds Prixi, a unique and adorable little Cliff Racer, to accompany you during your journeys. She's quite competent in battle, too. You can find her directly in front of the entrance to Addamasartus (that beginner slave cave), northeast of Seyda Neen.

My thoughts:
I really liked Prixi, she is so darn cute! She fights well indeed and followed my character easily. The fact that she is airborne means that you don't need to worry about her health so much but watch out, like all cliff racers, she can get stuck in tight places (but will tp to you anyway). I would love to see a quest around Prixi and see her grow.

You might want to check Natakiro's other beast companion mod:
Hulking Fabricant Companion. http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/44407/?